Monday, March 28, 2016

My Shells

My favorite one Is the small one. My lest one is the wite One.

my cars

i have 3 cars my favorit car is the rectangle car . i call it the rectangle .i allso have a least favorit .it is a ras car.

My Pony Collection

I have a last place prize collection and a first place prize collection. One of my last place prize is flower and one of my first place prize is pinkipie.

My collection of Magnit

My favorit is the peris magnit. My lest favorit is philadelphla.

My Shell Collection

I chose a favrt shell and a leest favrt shell.

My magic princess clechin

in this video your going to see my favrit magic Pincess! and my comparesin for my leste favrit pincess!


My cleshin is scilands


I ilke the one doller bill I ilke it becasue it is the wrst money

my collection is a anamal collection

my collection is about anamals

Acshin Figers Collection

In my collection you will see an cube -bot, a spider-man

my collection is animals

I wrote about a tiger and a sheep.

My shells

I brougt a collection of shells. I chose a faverite shell and a leest faverite shell.

my SKYLANDER collection

In this video you will learn. about my SKYLANDER figures that are my favorite and my least favorite.


I brot in acshin figrs my best is the pawer niga toy from my collection

My Hello Kitty Book

I chose this book because red is my favrite colour and its title is Hello Kitty Chirsmas Present

my collection of seglas

I brot seglas and I chows a fafrit and a lest fafrit

my car culekshin

you will see my favrit car and my lest favrit car

soccer cards

My colecshin is soccer cards

Monday, March 7, 2016

all about school by Kenzo

Skiing By Francesca

All About Sagway! By Mariam

all about ice skating by adam

Video Games By Timi

Taism by Isla

turtols by valdemar

birthday party by hussein

all about cats! by Ellen


soker plaers by Lenny

Sunday, March 6, 2016

All about plants By Stella

zoo by mohamed

wwe BY Eiad

sharks by Ignacio

All About Sokr Player Messi By Tony

kittens are great by Caris

turtols by valdemar

Horsis By Kara

ice skacking by jash

All About Dogs by sid ali